Yodalayeeeeeeeehooooooooooo! The Swiss Alps!

Top of the world!

On the second day of our tour, we stayed at a campsite wedged in a tiny valley between Jangfraujoch mountains (try pronouncing that!).
view from campsite

I head up the mountain with a few of the girlies and a couple of guys I met from one of the other tours. So we did the usual thing – we took photos of the scenery, had snow ball fights and took off our t-shirts in the sub-zero temps! Biggest ice-burn ever! Seemed funny at the time, but it took about half an hour for the first stages of hyperthermia to disappear! To anyone that sees the below picture, I sincerely apologise for releasing our half naked bodies to the world wide web.

Aaaaargh! Put it away!

jumpin in the snow

We stayed in a campsite in a little village sandwiched between two massive mountains. Staying at the same campsite were five or six other tour groups, all of similar ages. So there were about 250 of us at the one campsite – making for some pretty wild nights!